ESTA-Genehmigung bei Vorstrafe?

1 Antwort

Hat er dann überhaupt Anspruch auf ein ESTA

Keiner hat einen „Anspruch“ auf ESTA!

Das ist die relevante Frage:

Have you ever been arrested or convicted for a crime that resulted in serious damage to property, or serious harm to another person or government authority?


This question exists to keep persons out of the nation who are likely to commit a crime during their stay.

The question, however, allows considerable opportunity for interpretation due to the inclusion of the term “serious.” As a result, if you were convicted of a misdemeanor that did not cause substantial damage or harm, you might say “no” to this question.

However, ESTA authorities can review police records from European nations, and if they believe your offence is significant enough, and you lied in your application, you will be denied entrance and most likely rejected in the future.


Die Aussage:

ca. 5 Jahren wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung verurteilt

lässt schließen, dass er diese Frage nicht mit NEIN beantworten kann.

Also muss er ein Visum beantragen. Ein B-1/2 Visum wäre eine Möglichkeit.

 30.06.2023, 14:33

Ok super danke!